— Shaders —

  • Shader Updates

    Updated shaders according to artist requests, such as mask manipulations and adding material preset dropdowns for the weapon and vehicle shaders.

  • 3Ds Max Shaders

    All engine shaders used for props and structures needed to be replicated as closely as possible in 3Ds Max so that artists could preview general material results before exporting.

— Miscellaneous —

  • Bug-fixing: Global Illumination Leaks

    Helped address the many GI leak bugs that were reported, often in interiors and rooftops. These bugs were usually solved by adding edge loops in the asset mesh or by hand-placing a GI-blocker volume.

  • Batch Scripts

    Wrote scripts to quickly batch update parameters in material files and check them out in Perforce. In another case, a script was written to update light curves for all physical lights in a level file.